Octordle Answers Today | January 21, 2025 | Daily, Chill, Extreme, Rescue, & Gold

Octordle is an advanced version of Wordle. After Wordle went viral, word puzzle lovers developed an extreme version of the game. While Wordle has one game grid, Octordle features eight grids, meaning you must solve eight hidden 5-letter words at the same time.

Having eight game grids is an extremely challenging task when solving Octordle. If you have already tried Wordle and are now searching for Octordle answers, then we don’t need to tell you how hard the Octordle 5-letter word puzzle game is.

However, winning all the time is a challenging task because the reason is very simple: some days Octordle comes with easy guesses, and some days it comes with hard guesses. But you have already fixed attempts based on which Octordle version you are currently playing.

What do you think, would it help if you had some working hints when you’re finding it hard to solve Octordle? Yes, you got it right. In this post, we have shared some working hints that we personally use.

But if you have already tried our given hints and still have a chance of losing the game, you can check the Octordle answers today that we have shared to maintain your winning streak.

It’s time to check some woking hints to maintain your thinking strategy.

Octordle Daily

Octordle’s daily challenge provides you with a fixed 13 attempts. So, within 13 attempts, you have to guess eight hidden 5-letter words. You can only afford to waste five attempts while guessing the correct words. When you use our given hints along with your critical thinking to uncover the hidden words, you’ll be able to solve them easily.

To check other Octordle game variants like Octordle Extreme, Octordle Rescue, and Gold Mode, scroll down or use the Table of Contents section.

Octordle daily hints today (January 21, 2025)

Here, we are providing you with the first and last letters of the hidden words. Additionally, you will get clues to guess the words more easily.

Let’s find out today’s Octordle daily answers.

Hints for the first word

Hints for the second word

Hints for the third word

Hints for the fourth word

Hints for the fifth word

Hints for the sixth word

Hints for the seventh word

Hints for the eighth word

Octordle Daily Answers Today (January 21, 2025)

We have provided you with tested and effective hints that you can use to win today’s daily Octordle game version. If you are on your last attempts and need to check the answers to maintain your winning streak, just scroll down. However, if you still have enough attempts to win today’s Octordle daily version (13 attempts), use only the hints along with your thinking strategy.

Using all the effective hints with your thinking strategy can improve your problem-solving skills and critical thinking. If you are looking for today’s daily Octordle answers, here they are:

Check today’s Octordle daily answers and cross-check your win.

Octordle Chill

For an easygoing experience, the Octordle Chill game is the best choice. If you are a casual player and just want to test your thinking power, then the Octordle Chill version is perfect for you. Octordle Chill challenges you with 16 attempts, which is a significant number of attempts.

This Octordle version features simple word patterns that you can easily crack. However, to maintain your winning streak, we are here to help you out. If you find yourself in a win-or-lose situation and don’t want to lose the game, check the section below.

Octordle Chill Answers Today (January 21, 2025)

As we mentioned before, the Octordle Chill version offers simple word patterns. However, sometimes these easy patterns include words that are very hard to guess. Your attempts are already fixed.

If you want to turn your losing situation into a win, you can follow the color tile feedback or check the answers provided below. But without using your critical thinking skills, checking answers can spoil your thinking strategy. Therefore, we recommend playing before checking the answers.

Whatever situation you are in, here are all the answers. To check all the answers, just click on the arrow icon.

Check out all the answers of Octordle Chill mode today

Octordle Extreme

Nothing to worry about just by hearing the word “Extreme.” Compared to other Octordle game versions, Extreme only offers 12 tries, which is why it’s called Extreme. The main challenge lies in its word-guessing difficulty.

All eight words that you need to guess to win the game are harder than those in any other Octordle game version. If you rely on an ordinary vocabulary, you will never win the game. To guess all eight hidden words, use your best vocabulary along with your best thinking strategy, and don’t forget to use the color tile hints.

However, if you are serious about winning the Extreme Octordle version, you can check the answer list below.

Octordle Extreme Answers Today (January 21, 2025)

We only recommend checking the Octordle Extreme answers if you truly need to. This is your last chance to take your fingers back. However, sometimes it’s crucial to check the answers when you want to maintain your winning streak.

Check the answers only when you feel stuck.

Here are all the answers that you are searching for:

Octordle Rescue

The Octordle Rescue version comes with 13 attempts, but the good news is that the first 4 attempts will be systematic. Based on these first 4 completed attempts, you can make your first guess using a winning strategy. This is because you can see all the color tile feedback from the attempts that are already done.

All the starting words are already covered, so you don’t need to worry about them. After all, starting words can be a big headache. Octordle Rescue is basically designed to rescue all the players who love to play Octordle.

And assume that you already know what is meant by rescue. If you are thinking that you have only 9 attempts to guess all eight hidden words, then check the color tiles. But if the color tiles don’t give you proper hints, you can refer to the answer list.

Octordle Rescue Answers Today (January 21, 2025)

Octordle Rescue is designed for all the Octordle players who often fail to win the game. As we have already discussed, you are now on the Octordle Rescue version and aiming to win the game because you have starting words. You can only see a maximum of 2–3 working color tiles, but you need at least 5 to guess the first hidden word.

At this point, you may find that solving Octordle can be a real challenge. But for now, there’s nothing to worry about losing the game. You can check all the hidden words you need to win the Octordle Rescue version.

To reveal all the hidden words, click on the arrow icon, and you’re good to go.

Find out what are the answers for Octordle Rescue today


Now you have all the working hints along with today’s answers. To solve the daily Octordle version, you need to use your thinking strategy. If our given hints don’t work for you, you can directly jump to the answers section.

For every game version, we have provided the answers. Octordle’s different game variants have different hidden words, and we are here to help you. On octordleplay.com, we also offer hints and answers for other word puzzles.

If you want to maintain your winning streak in other popular word puzzles, don’t forget to check them out.

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